Book a Tarot Reading
Hello! I am currently offering Tarot Readings via Zoom or Phone Call (60,90 or 120 mins) and Tarot Readings via WhatsApp in english. If this is your first ever reading, please note that I am working different. I use Tarot as:
- a tool for soul-discovery and personal development
- I can't tell you when your ex is coming back or when you get married
- please note: If you are willing to work on YOU, then Tarot will help you. Try to formulate your question like this: "What can I do...What is important for me... What can I learn from...?"
It is essential so ask ACTIVE questions, which simply means, questions with self-responsibility. Are you ready? Scroll down for the information sheet.
-Legal notice:
Urteil BVerfG vom 02. März 2004 AZ: 1 BvR 784/03
Working with energies does not replace medical, alternative or psychiatric treatment. However, it is a useful addition. The requirement is the willingness to take personal responsibility for the internal processes that are triggered. Spiritual healing serves to activate the self-healing powers and does not replace diagnosis or treatment by a doctor or alternative practitioner
Information Sheet - Tarot Consultation
Special notes and agreements
Participation in counselling is voluntary and on one's own responsibility. It presupposes an inner readiness for self-awareness, self-reflection and cooperation. The consultation never replaces necessary medical or therapeutic help. See in particular the german judgement of the BVerfG of 2 March 2004 AZ: 1 BvR 784/03:
All participants in counselling agree to maintain confidentiality about all personal data, problems and concerns of all participants, even beyond the counselling session. We respect the protected space of counselling. This includes, for example, discussing deep emotionally issues.
The service provider has signed a code of honour in the german Tarot Association "Tarot e.V.". This includes the obligation not to answer questions regarding legal matters, gambling, health and death.
The service provider does not assume any guarantee or liability for the statements made in the sessions. A Tarot Spread shows always the current situation - THE PRESENT MOMENT - and its development possibilities. Which path is chosen depends entirely on the decisions - in the sense of free will and personal responsibility - of the client.
Data protection
With regard to the data protection of the personal data of the service user, the legal provisions according to the DSGVO apply.
Both parties agree to maintain confidentiality regarding the contractual content as well as the content of the meetings held. In the event of a breach of this agreement and the resulting damage to one of the contracting parties, both parties have the right to legally enforce compensation for damages, for example. By receiving this leaflet you agree to all the contents of this document.